of veils and silvery scales
I do not wear a bra
I have no mammary tits
I do not sing and do not know English
I speak bubble and salt water
I chant a fluid grunt through gill and fin
people come and shoot harpoons at me
while I finger dolphin twat for fun
sonar screams a wall be chasing us
my second life is yanked on deck
sailors swoon for my bright fish cunt
they gangrape fuck get splayed dicks
some pieces stick deep in me
but remoras clean me right
dolphin fags come fix my weave
primp me full to squirting pearls
we cruise around the white-wash bays
sip marlin-tails in conchshell mugs
trade my roe for foul daddy spew
nothing dirties my platinum form
my arms like gowns of anemone
my tail like unclasped bracelet dangles
I the bimbo and reef of the wild sea
I the rank collapse of mercury and teen
I the special brine freed midst tides
some day they’ll fry my beauty to nuggets
share me over their snack-craven eves
my second life will be a cunt filet
of crumbs and lemon slices