Monday, November 19, 2012

Hyasinge, who can suck the music land

I know pulverized glass may not seem fun now, but in time
you’ll know a uniform worthy of Captain Crunch, your mouth
near Blaze cornered by its heavy heavy coals. Infinity, not so
bad in circuits, red_hairy haloes rising out your neck suit me. 

This is, of course, only the future of things. There is no Moon 
without a Wig. There is no Emergency without your Openings.

Our eyes now. What sweet UFOs to grow cemetery forth,
because I was not raised on nipples but mothership logos.
Where red lights, in traffic, as you know, dangle down dentless
of mosaic gloss_cradles. Ah, no one likes my heart_sized wink?

There is Nothing in the kids and Nowhere in the wind. Hurts,
how much time I’ve wasted perfecting my October Lobotomy. 

Please, travel with me a bit. I’ll shred away your fading home.
Places places, why so real, right? Just raise bit-maps under
ligament’s hippodrome tart for a century, wer-mantis fumes 
tracing the cascaded lines of sinew all over-- tada, our skeleton. 

Once every thousand steeples, the Flare resurfaces. Pale near
to blind with basement icing, quietly stirring in its bright glares.

Mom says that good things are the result of best people. Some
sign I watched in my guidance counselor’s bedroom says no 
place is a wasteland where hope crawls. My friend Hope says
I will never find anything. But I own your muted roast of colors. 

When all else fails, I can come out of the window and hold you.
Nothing spreading by the lightless channel, all TV super_scalding. 

Perhaps we don’t live on a globe but just this really ugly circle.
All those pits and shoots who glimmer like depth are just tumor
butter, crescent to strident, permanent throat_banging. No win?
Nothing says ‘I love you’ like gag melodies, phlegm_sorted bolts.

World I first made over you: worm_twinkling darkspam, neon
wound of saint echoes. Priest robed in some fleshless tranny. 

Doors split from the PVC of boy cocks. Snot-crinoline only 
visible by cirrus, all skin ribboned in your asshole rain. Our Best. 
Pump my skull_flock back up until your kidneys drown in eclipse. 
People confetti speckles after, gargles past awe. Enjoy me, ok? 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Our Lady of the Teratoma

so tall necklace milk she echoes the abortions
siphon Lucky Charms to confused mouth kid 
lips in grates, skulls catching onto sunken prism

her exoskeleton our leftover marrow shadow
blending under runny balllet swords she finds
mushy comet in us she name herself we rape

her every lunch we stare alone wane
away into those spltting locust walls slippy
shaven, we let our tears rash down her stair

abortion dunes she is gathered, she stitches 
piercings on her flat tits reek placenta chime
lets the dead souls calm riven back to Nothing

shrine barf she saws throughout us prayer
for her meadow lump blinks soggy fingernails
her gasoline eyes show how she never done

colors ply away at her voice, punctuate each
spreading sphere wilting fever sizzles in tapered
curse she wants so for us to rape her one better

look deep, far away to her unleaded bell spools
where ghost-gnawed traffic still searches over
billboard snow, hands on hands raw got old 

spoon fed her lungs of webdice every broken 
hello stung by white night who glistens in ancient
teeth-ships, satellites rippled by the white fire 

branding us with mute slabs of infant tofu
cum out cement moons shrink-wrap suns red star
tasting her jaw ditches soupy with popped bruise

molted with stray ambience mucus passages
strewn all over nothing but mangled clapping
stump on stump, steady bolts of applause try

she told me to shut up, never let her suck more
of wind puddles shallow dips in gust where eyes
limed with storm thump like tadpoles but she does