Friday, September 20, 2013

The Thousand-Eyed Pelican of Atlantis

Gone colors, itchy with shoreline. Some dream gurgles towards the surface, tattooed with Frenzy's thickink. Who exhales naked violet, then worn patches. Spikes, a vacant yellow, a candle forgotten by Dawn. Carpenter new alones, like an atlas limping out the skull of Poseidon. Has this the echo flavor, this child. 

Slobbery sargasso won another back here.
Rose, then broken. Some boy slit with fresh mile,
serene chest, dirty questions. Mako in his gums. 

Call this hostage residue, lengthen evening. Acne roe scattered side black coral, his eyes inverted oysters. Did he ever sleep, I ask myself. Dial tone scraped across the anemone prophet-sage, Athenated porepools. Teeth knives, soft pumice pupils. Albino baleen sprouts from back, bald otherwise but for this growth. 

None splinters eels red, sore expires. Bright now. 
Livid to his side, imitating Gills of Paradise, his wrinkles. 
Walking prism, never mask of Breath, bobbing muscle. 

And now with his neck soothed down my Pale Beak. Towards the parapets of Ivory, children in saliva-sabledresses of diatoms and nettle. I'm not here to outdo the helpless, just my eyes abound in verdigris, prize Pink the science of the Storm. Figures in landscape, spasm bath salts and sluice, no more edges. Pearling lives. 

Abandoned to hope, skin-flicker of moist gravity. 
To find even him ravined in scatter Face, orphan scars 
trailing from his neck like sacrament. I trace what I can where. 

Into each of these mornings another poured, another round I trickle. Another cabbage-plumed beast fondled by the rabid Cancers. Can never pluck off barnacle for its Spiral binds the Soul. Never quench Mautumn Sun for it throbs from their Heart. Never calm these Elements yet myself alembic the Terror. I practice my own blood.